Our Product

DrinkWaterinBed allows a user to easily sip water with little movement. DrinkWaterinBed attaches easily to a wall, and holds up to a day’s supply of water — providing easy access to water for a user. The DrinkWaterinBed is perfect for someone recovering from a surgery, an illness, someone who suffers from dry mouth, or someone who wants to stay more hydrated.


of people are chronically dehydrated


of daytime fatigue is caused by dehydration

Top Ten

Dehydration top ten cause of hospitalization for the elderly


Our Mission

Those who need hydration the most have the hardest time getting it, and that is why we built the DrinkWaterinBed. The DrinkWaterinBed provides convenient bedside access to water for individuals who are bed-bound, recovering from surgeries, or simply need better access to water while in bed.

The DrinkWaterinBed made it easy for my spouse to keep track of my daily water intake during recovery.
— DrinkWaterinBed User
The prescribed medicines required me to be fully hydrated and left me constantly thirsty. DrinkWaterinBed allowed me to receive much-needed fluids with virtually no movement.
— ACL Surgery Patient

Developed by biomedical engineering and graduate students at Duke University, the DrinkWaterinBed is our solution to the age old problem of drinking water in bed.

About Us
